Thursday, June 12, 2014

Bandit - 15-19

Level 15 wants you to use SSL. At the time of writing this, the heartbleed fiasco is still in recent memory, and I actually did this level only a month or so before the news broke. Funny that the site actually indicates that "HEARTBEATING" is a problem, as it turns out heartbleed was the real problem. *rimshot*

Despite that, the level was straight forward with the command format:

openssl s_client -quiet -connect localhost:port

Level 16 was a little more fun because I got to write a script, which may not have been the most efficient way, but was pretty short and good practice for fun:


for port in {31000..32000}; do                       

        echo "cluFn7wTiGryunymYOu4RcffSxQluehd"  |  \
        timeout 2 openssl s_client -quiet -connect  \

        localhost:$port                             \
        2>/dev/null >>/tmp/geo250/results.txt

Line by line this does the following:
* sets the magic cookie indicating that this is a bash script.
* assigns a number to port and for each number
* echoes the required password to
* the server at the port specified previously in the loop (but only hold the connection open for 2 seconds tops) using openssl and then
* dump any error messages in the trash and the good stuff in a file called results
* repeat until done.

Man pages and a little help from your pal google can bring you up to speed on the details if you want to delve deeper into openssl.

In the file you get the private key for the next level. You'll want to use that key as if it were your own. I copied results.txt to my machine and edited it so that only private key info was in the file. Chmod 600 results.txt so that it is private and then you can ssh -i /path_to/results.txt to get in.

Level 18 was pretty fun too: you try to log in, then you get trolled and booted. However, if the password is valid you can still run commands on the server, you just have to do it by putting the command as part of the ssh command just by appending it to the ssh command. For example:

$> ssh ps ps -ef | grep foo >> logfile.txt 

will ssh to as user and run the command: "ps -ef | grep foo" and put the results in a file called logfile on your machine. So, in this case to get the password from the file on the machine you could run a command like:

ssh cat password
which will dump the password to your screen. After which the connection will be closed - in fact with this kind of command, the connection will be closed even if you don't have someone trying to boot you out and troll you. Now that you havae the password, the world (or at least the next level) is your oyster.

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